Announcing the Vienna PHP User Group

I’ve been looking for a decent PHP user group here in Vienna for some time. Sadly, I haven’t found even a bad one. Now, I’m trying to change this: meet

My goal is to create a friendly, welcoming and informative user group that allows beginners and experts alike to share their experiences, opinions and knowledge. I have always met great people when I worked with the open-source community and I think lots of people around here would benefit from it too.

So, what next? The first thing we need to do is identify a bunch of developers (including you) that is willing to help me bootstrap the user group. I think the best way to do this is to first gather online and then meet for a beer or two and discuss what we can do next.

Afterwards, I think it’s time to find a location where we have the appropriate equipment available to do live presentations and sessions. So, if you know a place where we could do this, I’d love to get in touch with you. Also, it would be awesome if someone is willing to sponsor food or drinks, but I think this could be handled at a later point.

Currently, the web site is pretty basic, but I’m planning to add a wiki and a twitter feed so we can interact better. At the moment, you can follow @ViennaPHP and tweet with the #viennaphp hashtag.

Vienna PHP developers, unite!

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