Scheduling Timers on OS X with Rust and Kqueue

As a more or less POSIX compatible system I would’ve expected timer_create and friends to be available on OS X, but it turns out those functions are not available (at least I couldn’t find them after hours of research).

Looking into alternatives (spoiler: there are not many I think if you want to work from C/Rust) I settled on Kqueue. It doesn’t have all the features that the timer_ functions provide, but for what I need it seems to be good enough. Also, there are a bunch of crates like mio and nix available that either provide abstractions or use Kqueue already so I had something to refer to.

I didn’t find documentation or blog posts on this topic so I decided it is time to write one. This doesn’t go into all the details since, frankly, I don’t know all of them yet too. It should be enough to get you started though.

A Kqueue primer

Kqueue is a event notification system originally introduced in FreeBSD and subsequently supported in many more BSD variants as well as OS X. It can be used for similar tasks (like handling network connections) as the epoll system on Linux or the IOCP framework on Windows. You can also schedule timers with it, and this is what we are doing in this blog post.

There are two main functions you need to work with:

int kqueue(void);

int kevent(int kq, const struct kevent *changelist, int nchanges,
    struct kevent *eventlist, int nevents, const struct timespec *timeout);

which translate to the following rust signatures (from nix):

fn kqueue() -> Result<RawFd>
fn kevent(kq: RawFd, changelist: &[KEvent], eventlist: &mut [KEvent], timeout_ms: usize) -> Result<usize>

The kqueue function translates into a system call and creates a new kernel event queue and returns a descriptor. The kevent function is used to both register new KEvents as well as check if any of them are currently pending.

The KEvent is a generic struct that describes the type of event to monitor and looks like this in rust (also from nix):

pub struct KEvent {
    pub ident: uintptr_t,
    pub filter: EventFilter,
    pub flags: EventFlag,
    pub fflags: FilterFlag,
    pub data: intptr_t,
    pub udata: usize,

The ident holds a value which is used to identify the event. Depending on the configured filter its type and meaning can change (but is very often a file descriptor). The filter is important since it determines the kernel filter to process this event. For our timers we’ll use EventFilter::EVFILT_TIMER, but there are many more available. The flags define which actions to perform on the given event. The fflags allow you to configure filter-specific flags, in our example we won’t use them. Finally data allows to set filter-specific values and udata is opaque user-defined data that is passed through the kernel unchanged.

Check out the docs in nix for all the different values on EventFlag, EventFilter and FilterFlag. Also, the original documentation on kqueue provides lots of insights into the flags and their functionality.

The last thing you need to know before diving into the actual code is the difference between changelist and eventlist: Both take a slice of KEvents, but only eventlist is mutable.

  • The changelist is used to register events with kqueue.
  • The eventlist contains all the events which are currently active at the time of polling.

Note that the same slice underlying container (like a Vec) can be used to maintain both lists.

With the basics covered, let’s dive into the code.

Scheduling Timers

Create a new (--bin) project through cargo and add nix as a dependency:

nix = "0.6.0"

Add this to the top of your file so we have the imports out of the way:

extern crate nix;

use nix::sys::event::{KEvent, kqueue, kevent, EventFilter, FilterFlag};
use nix::sys::event::{EV_ADD, EV_ENABLE};

Next, we add a helper function that encapsulates the KEvent creation:

fn event(id: usize, timer: isize) -> KEvent {
    KEvent {
        ident: id,
        filter: EventFilter::EVFILT_TIMER,
        flags: EV_ADD | EV_ENABLE,
        fflags: FilterFlag::empty(),
        data: timer,
        udata: 0,

Here the caller passes in the event id as well as the timer in milliseconds. Since we want to get a timer event we need to use the EventFilter::EVFILT_TIMER filter. The EV_ADD | EV_ENABLE indicates we want to add and enable the timer at the same time. No flag filters are needed and the data payload for our timer event is the time provided by the caller. We also don’t set any opaque user data here.

Inside our main function we first need to grab a kqueue and then register events. We make use of our event function here and create one event that runs each second and one that runs every 1.5 seconds:

// Initialize the Kqueue
let kq = kqueue().expect("Could not get kqueue");

// Create a Vec<KEvent> with both events
let mut changes = vec![event(1, 1000), event(2, 1500)];

// Register the events in the `changelist`.
kevent(kq, changes.as_slice(), &mut [], 0).unwrap();

Kqueue now knows about the events we are interested in, so it’s time to run a loop and poll until they happen:

loop {
  match kevent(kq, &[], changes.as_mut_slice(), 0) {
    Ok(v) if v > 0 => {
      for i in 0..v {
        println!("Event with ID {:?} triggered", changes.get(i).unwrap().ident);
    Err(e) => panic!("{:?}", e), // Panic on Errors
    _ => () // Ignore Ok(0),

We poll kevent and the changes slice is updated with the results on each poll with the eventlist. kevent returns either an Err or Ok with the number of events that are available now. Note that Ok(0) is a special case that nothing is available, so we move on. If we have at least one event pending we iterate through all pending events and print their ID.

So if you run this example what you’ll see is:

$ cargo run
       Fresh bitflags v0.4.0
       Fresh semver v0.1.20
       Fresh void v1.0.2
       Fresh cfg-if v0.1.0
       Fresh libc v0.2.12
       Fresh rustc_version v0.1.7
       Fresh nix v0.6.0
       Fresh kqueue-samples v0.1.0
     Running `target/debug/kqueue-samples`
Event with ID 1 triggered
Event with ID 2 triggered
Event with ID 1 triggered
Event with ID 1 triggered
Event with ID 2 triggered
Event with ID 1 triggered
Event with ID 2 triggered

Since our timers fire at different intervals (and occasionally fire together) you can see that every time the different events are available to process by your application.

Of course this is barely scratching the surface of what you can do with kqueue but I’d like to mention one final thing: as you can see even if you just registered the events once they fire over and over again. If you want to fire them just once you can use flags: EV_ADD | EV_ENABLE | EV_ONESHOT instead.

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